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Collaborative Law Process


Wilson Nesbitt offers the collaborative law process, often referred to as the ‘friendly divorceĀ“, and is one of a number of firms in Northern Ireland to be specially trained in this method of dealing with relationship breakdown in marriages & civil partnerships.


The collaborative law process is a method aimed at trying to avoid the sort of animosity that can arise during court based divorce proceedings. Divorce or civil partnership breakdown often involves two people who simply want to get on with their new lives after agreeing that a separation is necessary. However often adversarial Court processes aimed to reach decisions on the best arrangements for child custody, maintenance and access, as well as the division of assets and financial arrangements, result in even more strained relationships.

People who choose to divorce using the collaborative law process commit themselves to enter into a series of round-table conversations that involve both partners and their respective solicitors working through a pre-agreed list of issues – such as property arrangements, child custody, financial support and division of assets. The process can involve other professionals where necessary, including financial advisors, accountants and child psychologists.

A successful result of the process is a divorce agreement, agreed on by both parties, reached in such a manner that both parties have a better opportunity to maintain future contact on as amicable basis as possible.


Wilson Nesbitt specialise in family law and the collaborative law process in Northern Ireland. Our team of family law experts will guide you on the process and accompany you during each stage of the negotiations.


Take the next step and call us on free phone number 0800 840 1363.
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