Compensation win for client who had an IUCD coil fitted incorrectly
Our clinical negligence specialists have reached a settlement for our client who was not properly informed of the risks involved in having an intrauterine device (IUD), also known as intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or ICD) or coil, fitted.
A growing number of women are choosing to use IUDs as their birth control method, and it is considered to be as effective as a vasectomy but it is also reversible. Risks and complications of IUDs include perforation of the uterus and movement into other parts of the pelvic area which can damage internal organs. There is also some risk of pelvic inflammatory disease or of the IUD partially or completely slipping out of the uterus, especially in the initial period after the device is fitted.
In the case of our client the procedure for fitting the coil was painful and rushed. Our client subsequently became pregnant and it was discovered that the coil had perforated her uterus and was embedded in her bowel.
Our clinical negligence Solicitors reached an agreement settlement of £50,000 plus costs.
If you have been involved in a case of clinical negligence or birth related injury, our clinical negligence solicitors can assist you with information and advice on how to pursue a claim for compensation. Click here and a member of the claims team can contact you at your earliest convenience.