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Financial and Property

We can help you work towards achieving a financial and property matrimonial settlement agreement that will bring finality and closure to your financial position and allow you to move on. If you have reached agreement with your ex we can interact with your ex’s solicitor to agree the text of a matrimonial settlement agreement ready for signature.


It isn’t always possible to reach an agreed negotiated settlement particularly if emotions are running high or one party is particularly obstinate and unreasonable. In these situations we can apply to the court for ancillary relief; this is where the Court determines what the financial and property settlement is to be. Sometimes you have to be prepared to go to Court to encourage a settlement arrangement which can often be reached just before the court hearing.


We can give you free initial advice, guide you on what your options are, let you know whether you will qualify for legal aid and if not what the cost implications are for you. Our team of specialists can work with you to settle the text of an amicable agreement or can work with you through the Court processes to have the Court determine a final resolution.


Take the next step and call us on freephone number 0800 840 1363 or send us your details.


Get in touch

To find out more about how we can help you with your query, please contact us.