Wilson Nesbitt joins Belfast delegation to international real estate conference
Wilson Nesbitt, the local law firm focusing on the real estate sector, has joined the Belfast delegation to MIPIM. MIPIM is the largest real estate conference in the world and sees 30,000 investors, developers and funders descend on Cannes in March to bring projects to market and hear what internationally focussed cities have to offer. By joining the delegation Wilson Nesbitt will get to play its part in helping Belfast to promote its opportunities on the international stage.
“We are delighted to be joining the Belfast delegation heading to MIPIM” states Drew Nesbitt, partner. “This is a sign of our commitment to helping the NI real estate sector attract international investment”.
“Belfast has a great opportunity to be an international hub, attracting and exporting talent globally and it is important our city is represented at events like this to allow it to showcase its opportunities” states Neil Logan, partner. “Our local expertise, coupled with our international connections and sector specific knowledge, means we are able to add value to our client’s businesses and the local economy.”
If you would like to meet Drew Nesbitt or Neil Logan in Cannes please email realestate@wilson-nesbitt.co.uk